Diabetic Retinopathy - Detecting Blindness

APTOS 2019 Blindness

Diabetic Retinopathy is a disease that affects the retina of the eye. Millions around the world suffer from this disease.

Currently, diagnosis happens through the use of a technique called fundus photography, which involves photographing the rear of the eye.

Medical screening for diabetic retinopathy occurs around the world, but is more difficult for people living in rural areas.

Using machine learning and computer vision, we attempt to automate the process of diagnosis, which currently is manually being performed doctors.

On Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/c/aptos2019-blindness-detection/data and https://www.kaggle.com/c/diabetic-retinopathy-detection) we will have access to a dataset of tens of thousands of real-world clinical images of both healthy patients and pateints with the disease, and labelled by trained clinicians.

Using this dataset, we'll be able to train a machine learning model to acheive a high level of accuracy when predicting occurrences of the disease in patients.


We train our model on a combined dataset of approx 40,000 images. We then perform inference against the public and private leaderboard on Kaggle for the APTOS 2019 competition. The public leaderboard contains approx 30% of the total test dataset, and the private LB 70%. The test set contains in total approx 13,000 images at over 20gb in size.

The models are trained offline, and then uploaded to a Kaggle private data set linked to the kernel, which we use soley for inference.

We also make sure to pre-process the test images with the same image treatments that were performed on the training data. We use a custom ItemList to perform image manipulations on the test set before running our predictions.

Using an ensemble of B3 and B5 Efficientnets, we achieve a Quadratic Weighted Kappa score of 0.905775.

In comparison, the winning solution achieved 0.936129


The following notebook has been organised as follows:

  1. Code has been listed initially first, and roughly sectioned off into the following key parts. It is worth going through this code, and as you read through the next major section of experiment discusssion, you can refer back to the code section as is relevant.
    • Imports and Setup
    • Image processing
    • Metrics
    • Learner and Databunch
    • Predictions and Inference
    • Pipeline experimental methods
  2. Outline of experiment and results
    • Data exploration
    • Image processing baselines
    • Model and architecture baselines. Decide if Regression or Classification is the best approach.
    • Adding data and data augmentations
    • Increasing image size
    • Tuning other hyperparameters like dropout and weight decay
    • Progressive resizing
    • Increasing epochs and training times
    • Ensembling
  3. Appendix
    • Image pre-processing methods
    • Select experiments
    • References

Imports and Setup

The following cell contains all of the setup code for each of intialisation whenever restarting the kernel

In [30]:
from fastai.callbacks import*
from fastai.vision import *
from fastai.metrics import error_rate

# Import Libraries here
import os
import json 
import shutil
import zipfile
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import PIL
import cv2

from PIL import ImageEnhance

import scipy as sp
from functools import partial
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.metrics import cohen_kappa_score
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
from torchvision import transforms, utils
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF

from torchvision.models import *

%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
import pretrainedmodels
%load_ext jupyternotify

# set the random seed
import fastai; fastai.__version__
The jupyternotify extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext jupyternotify

Datasource Selectors

In my experiments I've setup a few data sources, both with the 2019 dataset only and also the combines 2019+2015 datasets. The code below helps me switch out between the two so I can benchmark with various options

In [31]:
# Downloaded from https://www.kaggle.com/benjaminwarner/resized-2015-2019-blindness-detection-images

def switch2019Only(sub_folder:str = ''):
    base_dir = '/hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/'

    !mkdir -p "{base_dir}"

    train_img_path = f'{base_dir}train/{sub_folder}'  # need to split this folder into train and val sets
    test_img_path = f'{base_dir}test/{sub_folder}' # images only, use to test

    df_train = pd.read_csv(base_dir + 'labels/trainLabels19.csv')
    return (train_img_path, base_dir, train_img_path, test_img_path, df_train)
In [32]:
# Downloaded from https://www.kaggle.com/benjaminwarner/resized-2015-2019-blindness-detection-images

def switch2015Only(sub_folder:str = ''):
    base_dir = '/hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/'

    !mkdir -p "{base_dir}"

    train_img_path = f'{base_dir}train/{sub_folder}'  # need to split this folder into train and val sets
    test_img_path = f'{base_dir}test/{sub_folder}' # images only, use to test

    df_train = pd.read_csv(base_dir + 'labels/trainLabels15.csv')
    df_train.columns = ['id_code', 'diagnosis']

    return (train_img_path, base_dir, train_img_path, test_img_path, df_train)
In [33]:
# Downloaded from https://www.kaggle.com/benjaminwarner/resized-2015-2019-blindness-detection-images

def switch2019And2015(sub_folder:str = ''):
    base_dir = '/hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/'

    !mkdir -p "{base_dir}"

    train_img_path = f'{base_dir}train/{sub_folder}'  # need to split this folder into train and val sets
    test_img_path = f'{base_dir}test/{sub_folder}' # images only, use to test

    df_train_15 = pd.read_csv(base_dir + 'labels/trainLabels15.csv')
    df_train_15.columns = ['id_code', 'diagnosis']

    df_train_19 = pd.read_csv(base_dir + 'labels/trainLabels19.csv')

    df_train = pd.concat([df_train_15, df_train_19])

    return (train_img_path, base_dir, train_img_path, test_img_path, df_train)



In [34]:
# ---------- Metrics ----------

# Competition uses the quadric kappa metric, defined here
# Definition of Quadratic Kappa
from sklearn.metrics import cohen_kappa_score
def quadratic_kappa(y_hat, y):
    return torch.tensor(cohen_kappa_score(torch.round(y_hat), y, weights='quadratic'),device='cuda:0')

Learner and Data

In [68]:
from torch.utils.data.sampler import WeightedRandomSampler

class OverSamplingCallback(LearnerCallback):
    def __init__(self,learn:Learner,weights:torch.Tensor=None):
        self.labels = self.learn.data.train_dl.dataset.y.items
        _, counts = np.unique(self.labels,return_counts=True)
        self.weights = (weights if weights is not None else
        self.label_counts = np.bincount([self.learn.data.train_dl.dataset.y[i].data for i in range(len(self.learn.data.train_dl.dataset))])
        self.total_len_oversample = int(self.learn.data.c*np.max(self.label_counts))
    def on_train_begin(self, **kwargs):
        self.learn.data.train_dl.dl.batch_sampler = BatchSampler(WeightedRandomSampler(self.weights,self.total_len_oversample), self.learn.data.train_dl.batch_size,False)

# ---------- Learner and Databunch ----------
def get_data_bunch_explore(data_source, image_size, bs=64, mode=0, use_xtra_tfms=False):
    # data source
    data_in_use, base_dir, train_img_path, test_img_path, df_train = data_source
    print(f'Using data in: {train_img_path}') # print out which dataset is in use
    # lets start off with a small image size first 
    # and use progressive resizing to see how our initial model is performing
    # 1. Setup data bunch
    source = (CleanedImageList
                .from_df(df_train, train_img_path, suffix='.jpg', image_size=sz, mode=mode)
                .split_by_rand_pct(0.2, seed=42)
    data_bunch = (
    # if using data aug
    if use_xtra_tfms:
        source = (CleanedImageList
                .from_df(df_train, train_img_path, suffix='.jpg', image_size=sz, mode=mode)
                .split_by_rand_pct(0.2, seed=42)
        transforms = get_transforms(do_flip=True, 
                              xtra_tfms=zoom_crop(scale=(1.01, 1.45), do_rand=True))
        data_bunch = (
    return data_bunch
def get_data_bunch(data_source, image_size, bs=64, use_xtra_tfms=False):
    # data source
    data_in_use, base_dir, train_img_path, test_img_path, df_train = data_source
    print(f'Using data in: {train_img_path}') # print out which dataset is in use
    # lets start off with a small image size first 
    # and use progressive resizing to see how our initial model is performing
    # 1. Setup data bunch
    source = (ImageList
                .from_df(df_train, train_img_path, suffix='.jpg')
                .split_by_rand_pct(0.2, seed=42)
    data_bunch = (
    if use_xtra_tfms:
        source = (ImageList
                .from_df(df_train, train_img_path, suffix='.jpg')
                .split_by_rand_pct(0.2, seed=42)

        transforms = get_transforms(do_flip=True, 
                                  xtra_tfms=zoom_crop(scale=(1.01, 1.45), do_rand=True))

        data_bunch = (
    # add test set
    sample_df = pd.read_csv(base_dir + 'sample_submission.csv')
    # Remember, for inference, we should apply the same image processing as what we trained on!

    return data_bunch

# "pretrained" is hardcoded to adapt to the PyTorch model function
from efficientnet_pytorch import EfficientNet
def efficient_net(b_class='b5'):
    return EfficientNet.from_pretrained(f'efficientnet-{b_class}', num_classes=1)

def get_cnn_learner(arch, data_bunch, tofp16=True, oversample=False):
    # 1. Get data bunch
    data_bunch_cleaned = data_bunch
    callback_fns = [ShowGraph]
    if oversample:
        print('is oversampling')
        callback_fns = [partial(OverSamplingCallback), ShowGraph]     

    # 2. Setup new learner. 
    learner = Learner(data_bunch_cleaned, arch, model_dir="models", metrics=quadratic_kappa, callback_fns=callback_fns)
    if tofp16:
        learner = Learner(data_bunch_cleaned, arch, model_dir="models", metrics=quadratic_kappa, callback_fns=callback_fns)

    return learner

Pipelining Helper methods

I use these general helper methods to run training. These methods help encapsulate a lot of the benchmarking and training runs that I execute, and help to pass hyperparameters through easily whilst abstracting out some of the cnn setup code.

In [36]:
class Experiment():
    def __init__(self, name, data_source, arch, image_size, bs, wd, use_xtra_tfms, oversample, pretrained_model_name=None):
        self.name = name
        self.data_source = data_source
        self.arch = arch
        self.image_size = image_size
        self.bs = bs
        self.wd = wd
        self.use_xtra_tfms = use_xtra_tfms
        self.oversample = oversample
        self.pretrained_model_name = pretrained_model_name
        self.data_in_use, self.base_dir, self.train_img_path, self.test_img_path, self.df_train = self.data_source
        if self.pretrained_model_name:
            self.learner, self.data_bunch = get_learner_and_databunch(
            print(f'Loading pretrained model: {self.pretrained_model_name}')
            self.learner.load(self.base_dir + self.pretrained_model_name)
            self.learner, self.data_bunch = get_learner_and_databunch(
    def find_lr(self):
        # find the inital lr for frozen training
    def fit_frozen(self, epochs, lr):
            callbacks=[SaveModelCallback(self.learner, monitor='valid_loss', name=f'best_{self.name}')])
        %notify -m "fit_one_cycle finished"
        print(f'Saved model: {self.base_dir + self.name}')
        self.learner.save(self.base_dir + self.name)
    def unfreeze(self):
    def fit_unfrozen(self, epochs, lr):
            callbacks=[SaveModelCallback(exp.learner, monitor='valid_loss', name=f'best_unf_{exp.name}')])
        %notify -m "unfrozen fit_one_cycle finished"

        self.learner.save(self.base_dir + 'unf_' + self.name)
        print(f'Saved model: {self.base_dir + "unf_" + self.name}')
    def load_frozen(self):
        self.learner.load(self.base_dir + self.name)
    def load_best_frozen(self):
        self.learner.load(self.train_img_path + 'models/best_' + self.name)
        print(f'Loaded best model {self.train_img_path + "models/best_" + self.name}')
    def get_kappa_score(self):
    def show_batch(self):
        self.data_bunch.show_batch(4, figsize=(20,20))

# This method is a helper method that we use to help us setup a learner and a databunch with baselined defaults
# It returns the learner, the data bunch, and also runs an lr finder to use to find an appropriate learning rate to feed into fit one cycle
# The only required parameter is the architecture. For everything else 
# you can pass in overrides values to test different hyperparameters
def get_learner_and_databunch(

    # data bunch
    data_bunch = get_data_bunch(

    # create a learner
    learner = get_cnn_learner(arch, data_bunch, oversample=oversample) 
    return (learner, data_bunch)

def get_kappa_score(learner):
    preds, y = learner.get_preds()
    score = quadratic_kappa(preds, y)
    print('Kappa score is {0}'.format(score))

    return score


The following is an outline of how I approached the problem and is roughly in the order of how I tackled the project. At each stage the aim was to find the best settings that would allow me to move forward on each experiments, and I spent a lot of time getting to know the data, baselining, and trying to uncover bugs during the training process.

Roughly, the order of operations for this project are outlined below:

  1. Exploratory Data analysis
  2. Image processing baselines
  3. Model and architecture baselines. Regression or Classification is the best approach.
  4. Adding data and data augmentations
  5. Increasing image size
  6. Tuning other hyperparameters like dropout and weight decay
  7. Progressive resizing
  8. Increasing epochs and training times
  9. Ensembling

Common training settings

  • Using transfer learning with pre-trained weights
  • We use fit_one_cycle policy to help vary learning rates for best results.
  • We use Adam as our optimiser
  • Treated as a regression problem with MSELoss as our cost function.
  • Oversampled the dataset
  • Using expanded dataset from 2015 and 2019
  • Using heavy data augmentations: flipping, rotation, zoom, crops, and lighting.

Things we did not attempt

  • Stratified Kfolds
  • Test Time Augmentations
  • Psuedo labelling

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Before we start any training we try to get a good sense of the raw data, understand its distributions, and explore its features and idiosyncracies.

Getting to know our dataset is an important first step, and helps us tune our model towards more accurate predictions.

In [19]:
data_source = switch2019Only()

learner, data_bunch = get_learner_and_databunch(

data_bunch.show_batch(5, figsize=(20,20))
Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b2
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/

Inconsistent cropping and lighting

As we can see from the above images, the input images are inconsistently cropped, and is the product of coming from a variety of different sources, equipment quality, and time periods.

Another inconsistency is the lighting used in theses images.

We need to help improve the consistency of the images so that it helps the model work more effectvely. A start would be to get the cropping and lighting consistent across all of the images.

Let's see what happens when we do some image processing:

Data imbalance

We can see here that there is a definite data imbalance with the supplied data. A large percentage of the images coming through are actually normal, rather than containing any diabetic retinopathy.

We deal with this imbalance by oversampling the less dominant classes.

In [20]:
# checking for data imbalances
data_in_use, base_dir, train_img_path, test_img_path, df_train = data_source
counts = df_train.diagnosis.value_counts() 
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa640c1f588>

Data Processing

To deal with the above problems, we tried to implement the following solutions to improve the input into the network.


We first pre-resize our images into the sizes we want to give to our model. This gives us a signficant boost in trainign speed over resizing the images on the fly (say through a custom ItemList)

We create subfolders with resized versions of the images so we can retain the original images. When we resize the images, we also apply the various colour, cropping and image processing treatments so that we also do not have to perform them on the fly.

Image Preprocessing

Below I've explored various image processing strategies. The goal here was to normalise exposure, contrast and cropping as much as possile across the dataset to make it easier for our neural net to work on.

Filtering out the green channel was explored, along with various Gaussian filters and also various cropping tasks.

In the end we found that a simple colour and circle crop provided the best results.

The different processing methods that were explored can be seen below.

Circle crop and resize

The following image batch displays the image pre-processing that was eventually applied in our final training runs. These were a simple circle crop and resize, and standardising the black corners.

In [74]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/')
data_bunch = get_data_bunch_explore(data_source, image_size=128, bs=64, mode=3)
data_bunch.show_batch(5, figsize=(15,15))
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/

Colour Raw images circle cropped with CLAHE

Original raw image with Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalisation (CLAHE) with circle cropping.

In [54]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/')
data_bunch = get_data_bunch_explore(data_source, image_size=128, bs=64, mode=0)
data_bunch.show_batch(5, figsize=(15,15))
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/

Green Channel Filter and Circle Crop

The paper here featured research around filtring out the green channel of the images to further highlight diabetic retinopathy indicators. http://biomedpharmajournal.org/vol10no2/diabetic-retinal-fundus-images-preprocessing-and-feature-extraction-for-early-detection-of-diabetic-retinopathy/

Although this provided good results, keeping the raw image colourisations seemed to work better in practice.

In [69]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/')
data_bunch = get_data_bunch_explore(data_source, image_size=128, bs=64, mode=1)
data_bunch.show_batch(5, figsize=(15,15))
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/

Gaussian Filters (Ben's processing methods)

I also experimented with some cropping and gaussian colorisation filters that were outlined in the following kernel: https://www.kaggle.com/ratthachat/aptos-updatedv14-preprocessing-ben-s-cropping

Compared to using the raw colour vs green channel filter, vs Gaussian filter methods, we observed during training that that Gaussian filters actually resulted is visibly poorer results in training.

In [61]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/')
data_bunch = get_data_bunch_explore(data_source, image_size=128, bs=64, mode=2)
data_bunch.show_batch(5, figsize=(15,15))
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/


Our dataset displays a class imbalance, a situation where there is a disproportionate amount of images classified to one particular class. In this case, there are a lot of images of healthy eyes in the dataset.

In order to give our model enough examples to learn to detect instances of diabetic retinpathy, we can try a technique called oversampling.

By oversampling we are in essence creating duplicates of our data. This creates a scenario where our network could start to overfit. We need to observe this and balance this out with some regularisation.

Ref: https://forums.fast.ai/t/oversampling-callback/48997

Experimental results:

Even though the dataset was imbalanced, we found that oversampling introduced worse results.


Here we start looking at setting up our learners for training. As mentioned previously, training is performed offline, and the resulting models are then uploaded to Kaggle datasets and the kernel for inference on the public and private test set.

A summary of the key hyperparameters and setups that worked are listed below:

  1. Fit one cycle policy for discriminitive learning rates.
  2. Combine 2015 and 2019 datasets
  3. Heavy data augmentations with cropping, lighting, and rotation.
  4. Progressive resizing
  5. Using EfficientNets: We explored a number of options for architectures. Including Resnets and Densenets. We found that EfficientNets provided the best results, so we use this with pretrained weights as our baseline architecture. https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.11946
  6. Chose to approach this problem as a classifciation problem rather than a regression problem.
  7. Adam optimiser.
  8. Ensembling multiple models.

Classification or Regression

Try use CrossEntropyLoss and MSELoss (experiments not detailed below but I was able to determine previously that treating this as a regression problem gave best results).

More Data

Instead of training just on the 2019 dataset, we could use transfer learning and train on the 2015 dataset, and then use this as a pretrained network to train the 2019 dataset.

The other option was to combine both the 2015 and 2019 datasets into one large dataset.

This strategy provided the best results and generalised better on the private LB.

Data Augmentations

Data augmentations can be incredibly effective in improving machine learning models. Heavy augmentations seemed to help quite a lot in boosting accuracy in this competition.

In the original dataset we can see a lot of variability around lighting and cropping. We deal with this in one way through image pre-processing and standardising the original images. Another we deal with this is using data augmentation.

Along with serving as a means of regularisation and effectively increasing our dataset size, we also augment the data with a series of cropping, rotation, lighting, and zooming augmentations in an effort to smooth out the effect of the inconsistencies present in the photography of the original dataset.

The following displays the results of our augmentations.

In [76]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/')
data_bunch = get_data_bunch_explore(data_source, image_size=128, bs=64, mode=3, use_xtra_tfms=True)
data_bunch.show_batch(5, figsize=(15,15))
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/

Progressive Resizing

We get better results by starting with smaller images, and then gradually transfer learning to larger images. We start with a size of 224px for our training. Then feed the weights of these to the model trained against 352px images.

EfficientNet (B3)

In [37]:
# Our baseline hyperparameters
def get_baseline_train_b3(name, data_source, bs, sz, pretrained_model_name=None):
    return Experiment(

(B3) 224px


In [9]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/')
exp = get_baseline_train_b3('exp_full_train_224_efficientnet-b3', data_source, bs=32, sz=224)
Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b3
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/
Using get_transforms
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [10]:
exp.fit_frozen(50, 2e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.685342 0.619710 0.545845 05:31
1 0.596974 0.571068 0.578879 05:38
2 0.618178 0.567687 0.588475 05:40
3 0.555176 0.585413 0.620093 05:39
4 0.593917 0.634622 0.600980 05:40
5 0.632227 0.587759 0.587736 05:41
6 0.644521 0.787938 0.440152 05:40
7 0.641000 0.667928 0.522046 05:43
8 0.622614 0.683303 0.533380 05:41
9 0.640435 0.953740 0.373591 05:40
10 0.638760 0.645746 0.534350 05:40
11 0.618202 0.751819 0.437967 05:41
12 0.590469 0.678545 0.539696 05:39
13 0.624134 0.625909 0.521491 05:41
14 0.601607 0.672399 0.473202 05:38
15 0.604112 0.596951 0.540873 05:40
16 0.571431 0.581151 0.573475 05:39
17 0.604839 0.605205 0.549892 05:38
18 0.578118 0.603482 0.576252 05:40
19 0.530020 0.685973 0.494106 05:43
20 0.583008 0.534397 0.620179 05:39
21 0.573428 0.613555 0.559092 05:43
22 0.532787 0.591532 0.560300 05:42
23 0.536919 0.641766 0.538613 05:39
24 0.492625 0.613391 0.585605 05:42
25 0.564835 0.556439 0.581119 05:42
26 0.517337 0.556271 0.604257 05:42
27 0.552688 0.534814 0.611220 05:40
28 0.518556 0.594337 0.591200 05:40
29 0.478324 0.550315 0.623366 05:40
30 0.465005 0.516290 0.633222 05:41
31 0.465429 0.575935 0.563715 05:41
32 0.459050 0.476072 0.659520 05:41
33 0.470096 0.478756 0.651597 05:43
34 0.466783 0.495208 0.640741 05:45
35 0.451121 0.475273 0.671176 05:44
36 0.424223 0.476628 0.665514 05:41
37 0.441065 0.500524 0.632676 05:42
38 0.437456 0.452326 0.681158 05:45
39 0.403897 0.494364 0.643641 05:43
40 0.367161 0.451442 0.673862 05:42
41 0.387677 0.449213 0.686294 05:45
42 0.421061 0.458739 0.668585 05:43
43 0.380013 0.435951 0.693150 05:44
44 0.389248 0.442668 0.686642 05:43
45 0.363035 0.443507 0.691067 05:43
46 0.388261 0.444286 0.688327 05:42
47 0.387743 0.442615 0.689882 05:44
48 0.372562 0.441129 0.692700 05:42
49 0.360547 0.440386 0.691759 05:43
Better model found at epoch 35 with valid_loss value: 0.4752731919288635.
Better model found at epoch 38 with valid_loss value: 0.4523259401321411.
Better model found at epoch 40 with valid_loss value: 0.4514419138431549.
Better model found at epoch 41 with valid_loss value: 0.44921305775642395.
Better model found at epoch 43 with valid_loss value: 0.4359509348869324.
In [11]:
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [19]:
exp.fit_unfrozen(20, 2e-3/3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.355483 0.439657 0.688297 05:42
1 0.366197 0.444503 0.688321 05:45
2 0.375689 0.446104 0.685427 05:47
3 0.403844 0.470239 0.664926 05:42
4 0.408403 0.461219 0.676576 05:47
5 0.398039 0.477462 0.650838 05:45
6 0.418846 0.485373 0.637332 05:45
7 0.397980 0.474653 0.661722 05:46
8 0.418474 0.464985 0.679641 05:47
9 0.389099 0.491108 0.633804 05:46
10 0.380193 0.454011 0.674628 05:49
11 0.376623 0.454947 0.674366 05:47
12 0.377168 0.448288 0.673841 05:47
13 0.398294 0.454249 0.693535 05:45
14 0.373084 0.443102 0.688910 05:50
15 0.344921 0.439213 0.697587 05:47
16 0.321437 0.441183 0.688341 05:42
17 0.339580 0.436000 0.697186 05:45
18 0.363504 0.437782 0.694226 05:46
19 0.336848 0.437483 0.696593 05:44
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.43965739011764526.
Better model found at epoch 15 with valid_loss value: 0.4392130374908447.
Better model found at epoch 17 with valid_loss value: 0.43600040674209595.

(B3) 352px.

Pretrained with 224px.


In [11]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '352/')

exp = get_baseline_train_b3(

Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b3
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/352/
Using get_transforms
Loading pretrained model: unf_exp_full_train_224_efficientnet-b3
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [12]:
exp.fit_frozen(50, 1e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.378758 0.376949 nan 12:25
1 0.364224 0.365304 nan 12:36
2 0.382510 0.370127 0.713891 12:34
3 0.376226 0.373534 0.722537 12:35
4 0.371377 0.376860 nan 12:36
5 0.358835 0.385350 0.701696 12:37
6 0.401600 0.434859 nan 12:36
7 0.412164 0.399532 0.698118 12:37
8 0.390873 0.422254 0.666851 12:38
9 0.388066 0.500082 0.673931 12:41
10 0.437900 0.505949 nan 12:42
11 0.390991 0.640664 nan 12:36
12 0.455951 0.501692 nan 12:39
13 0.461126 0.650071 nan 12:38
14 0.400187 0.497508 0.618025 12:38
15 0.443355 0.445772 nan 12:31
16 0.434101 0.623643 0.568809 12:37
17 0.399546 0.431995 0.669738 12:35
18 0.451687 0.522574 nan 12:38
19 0.421694 0.447511 nan 12:39
20 0.423959 0.561190 nan 12:38
21 0.471017 0.517371 0.648686 12:40
22 0.422174 0.456127 0.691005 12:39
23 0.415511 0.661708 0.624388 12:42
24 0.413321 0.542787 nan 12:38
25 0.404340 0.407079 0.694435 12:40
26 0.395765 0.481117 0.629505 12:38
27 0.326620 0.453025 nan 12:40
28 0.408697 0.409218 nan 12:40
29 0.368440 0.537910 0.646179 12:39
30 0.329484 0.432478 nan 12:38
31 0.358978 0.444529 0.697926 12:33
32 0.363501 0.643090 0.707714 12:36
33 0.364408 0.438274 0.689685 12:40
34 0.346218 0.395282 0.716795 12:42
35 0.333619 0.381019 0.705948 12:35
36 0.282752 0.391902 0.722615 12:38
37 0.284697 0.385550 0.722432 12:40
38 0.295718 0.399403 0.722060 12:44
39 0.301479 0.414364 0.717080 12:38
40 0.275269 0.385260 0.716763 12:42
41 0.303773 0.399387 0.723052 12:37
42 0.251041 0.378457 0.728782 12:40
43 0.267637 0.382559 0.729941 12:42
44 0.270321 0.384342 0.725919 12:37
45 0.245405 0.376402 0.729031 12:42
46 0.261571 0.376969 0.733021 12:38
47 0.276336 0.375040 0.734086 12:41
48 0.246320 0.377162 0.736666 12:39
49 0.299888 0.374446 0.733259 12:39
/home/adeperio/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:373: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  k = np.sum(w_mat * confusion) / np.sum(w_mat * expected)
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.3769490420818329.
Better model found at epoch 1 with valid_loss value: 0.36530375480651855.
In [11]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '352/')

exp = get_baseline_train_b3(

Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b3
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/352/
Using get_transforms
In [12]:
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [13]:
exp.fit_unfrozen(20, 5e-4)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.364069 0.367679 0.718695 12:27
1 0.338643 0.373225 0.719983 12:28
2 0.334729 0.382793 0.716175 12:26
3 0.389582 0.364389 0.719564 12:30
4 0.335883 0.416343 0.701526 12:30
5 0.420510 0.511973 nan 12:30
6 0.393051 0.405175 0.699467 12:28
7 0.407934 0.580876 0.666136 12:27
8 0.370138 0.421006 0.677059 12:31
9 0.419773 0.372806 0.723538 12:25
10 0.346884 0.386918 0.710356 12:29
11 0.323462 0.374531 0.709298 12:33
12 0.320611 0.401581 nan 12:27
13 0.310443 0.380425 0.712785 12:31
14 0.287194 0.371826 0.715642 12:25
15 0.293426 0.373948 0.720805 12:24
16 0.318623 0.367338 0.727762 12:26
17 0.252421 0.368773 0.725815 12:28
18 0.276527 0.367025 0.727898 12:32
19 0.280160 0.365576 0.727554 12:26
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.367678701877594.
Better model found at epoch 3 with valid_loss value: 0.3643893301486969.
/home/adeperio/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:373: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  k = np.sum(w_mat * confusion) / np.sum(w_mat * expected)
Saved model: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/unf_exp_full_train_352_efficientnet-b3

Efficientnet (B5)

In [13]:
# Our baseline hyperparameters
def get_baseline_train_b5(name, data_source, bs, sz, pretrained_model_name=None):
    return Experiment(

(B5) 224px


In [9]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/')
exp = get_baseline_train_b5('exp_full_train_224_efficientnet-b5', data_source, bs=16, sz=224)
Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b5
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/
Using get_transforms
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [10]:
exp.fit_frozen(50, 1e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.595345 0.646250 0.475005 13:00
1 0.592122 0.560756 0.556119 13:03
2 0.543716 0.610841 0.501747 13:00
3 0.605076 0.524397 0.585637 13:01
4 0.583582 0.547083 0.590754 13:00
5 0.609600 0.578056 0.533149 13:01
6 0.577295 0.559897 0.597622 13:06
7 0.597799 0.591496 0.509156 13:06
8 0.616400 0.743248 nan 13:02
9 0.626760 0.606392 0.547063 13:03
10 0.602613 0.668969 nan 13:02
11 0.645009 0.696823 0.424927 13:02
12 0.610261 0.720009 0.513902 13:07
13 0.579437 0.622490 nan 13:04
14 0.577785 0.604873 0.503102 13:03
15 0.538940 0.578461 0.539171 13:06
16 0.544767 0.546279 0.578014 13:08
17 0.537881 0.570902 0.597600 13:10
18 0.511949 0.670403 nan 13:07
19 0.522222 0.529480 0.597809 13:08
20 0.528282 0.657377 0.602783 13:10
21 0.508090 0.639336 nan 13:09
22 0.538038 0.504943 0.623391 13:13
23 0.587688 0.612449 0.541492 13:11
24 0.500340 0.493437 0.623449 13:14
25 0.515066 0.544601 0.618239 13:10
26 0.488631 0.543157 0.567873 13:08
27 0.523809 0.523644 nan 13:15
28 0.453457 0.548754 nan 13:13
29 0.456395 0.566812 0.642520 13:09
30 0.412951 0.528970 nan 13:08
31 0.537828 0.498892 nan 13:07
32 0.423157 0.536432 nan 13:07
33 0.386358 0.458569 0.629433 13:06
34 0.461502 0.469598 0.644802 13:06
35 0.388960 0.509905 0.612689 13:08
36 0.417862 0.464479 nan 13:08
37 0.418502 0.453347 0.647451 13:09
38 0.406408 0.434712 0.666715 13:07
39 0.381572 0.440594 0.644749 13:07
40 0.382604 0.452715 nan 13:08
41 0.370123 0.441038 0.665932 13:07
42 0.376259 0.431814 0.654034 13:10
43 0.329282 0.434962 0.658811 13:07
44 0.359504 0.426874 0.668100 13:08
45 0.357846 0.426276 0.668389 13:09
46 0.359646 0.426947 0.671260 13:09
47 0.359240 0.426201 0.665448 13:10
48 0.326063 0.426390 0.665145 13:09
49 0.371072 0.427722 0.663822 13:08
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.6462504267692566.
Better model found at epoch 1 with valid_loss value: 0.560756266117096.
Better model found at epoch 3 with valid_loss value: 0.524396538734436.
/home/adeperio/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:373: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  k = np.sum(w_mat * confusion) / np.sum(w_mat * expected)
Better model found at epoch 33 with valid_loss value: 0.4585687518119812.
Better model found at epoch 37 with valid_loss value: 0.45334669947624207.
Better model found at epoch 38 with valid_loss value: 0.4347122013568878.
Better model found at epoch 42 with valid_loss value: 0.4318144917488098.
Better model found at epoch 44 with valid_loss value: 0.4268737733364105.
Better model found at epoch 45 with valid_loss value: 0.42627590894699097.
Better model found at epoch 47 with valid_loss value: 0.4262005686759949.
Saved model: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/exp_full_train_224_efficientnet-b5
In [10]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/')

exp = get_baseline_train_b5(

Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b5
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/
Using get_transforms


In [11]:
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [12]:
exp.fit_unfrozen(20, 1e-3/5)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.313450 0.428805 0.665016 12:41
1 0.344732 0.432450 0.667773 12:44
2 0.339145 0.427050 0.661750 12:47
3 0.308634 0.441885 0.656379 12:47
4 0.384664 0.429656 0.656214 12:52
5 0.397535 0.452591 0.669986 12:49
6 0.334551 0.435887 0.651961 12:49
7 0.370083 0.431728 0.667534 12:49
8 0.396674 0.428796 0.660064 12:53
9 0.333076 0.439394 0.641015 12:52
10 0.328148 0.448282 0.668639 12:52
11 0.325486 0.430073 0.658357 12:50
12 0.332647 0.442094 nan 12:50
13 0.305808 0.426972 0.673415 12:51
14 0.318302 0.434622 0.657283 12:48
15 0.322901 0.427852 0.668537 12:50
16 0.262209 0.432599 0.671035 12:51
17 0.312506 0.429035 0.671172 12:50
18 0.290366 0.429802 0.673221 12:49
19 0.328396 0.429072 0.671930 12:51
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.42880508303642273.
Better model found at epoch 2 with valid_loss value: 0.42704999446868896.
/home/adeperio/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:373: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  k = np.sum(w_mat * confusion) / np.sum(w_mat * expected)
Better model found at epoch 13 with valid_loss value: 0.42697182297706604.
Saved model: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/unf_exp_full_train_224_efficientnet-b5

(B5) 352px. Pretrained witth 224px.

In [9]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '352/')

exp = get_baseline_train_b5(

Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b5
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/352/
Using get_transforms
Loading pretrained model: unf_exp_full_train_224_efficientnet-b5
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.

(B5) Frozen 352 Training

In [10]:
exp.fit_frozen(50, 3e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.296111 0.370104 nan 27:12
1 0.313915 0.407937 nan 27:16
2 0.329492 0.395435 nan 27:21
3 0.515533 0.452583 nan 27:18
4 0.486743 0.491821 nan 27:21
5 0.448745 0.583675 nan 27:14
6 0.632567 0.580358 nan 27:17
7 0.568568 0.563487 nan 27:19
8 0.652277 0.760102 nan 27:12
9 0.640356 1.192581 0.238264 27:16
10 0.809779 0.710387 nan 27:15
11 0.669706 0.992560 nan 27:12
12 0.735946 0.691278 nan 27:12
13 0.740307 0.751535 nan 27:19
14 0.665691 0.700673 0.276416 27:22
15 0.706394 0.877093 0.368763 27:22
16 0.657666 0.876099 nan 27:29
17 0.684086 0.700442 0.263370 27:33
18 0.582564 0.644197 nan 27:26
19 0.583665 0.800478 nan 27:26
20 0.638894 0.755252 nan 27:30
21 0.578587 0.612095 nan 27:42
22 0.631876 0.778131 nan 27:45
23 0.539442 0.674228 nan 27:41
24 0.537807 0.762890 0.273097 27:40
25 0.574273 0.634675 nan 27:49
26 0.598411 0.679090 0.302701 28:01
27 0.657017 0.693446 nan 27:50
28 0.594459 0.713499 0.414432 27:46
29 0.459683 0.566890 nan 27:48
30 0.521934 0.528279 nan 27:55
31 0.560276 0.526069 nan 27:58
32 0.505221 0.537023 nan 27:49
33 0.524495 0.506361 nan 28:01
34 0.503538 0.550988 nan 28:00
35 0.522662 0.503027 nan 28:01
36 0.432941 0.497164 nan 28:02
37 0.454244 0.511560 nan 28:08
38 0.500142 0.498066 nan 28:08
39 0.450399 0.487739 nan 28:06
40 0.522259 0.723720 0.454567 28:06
41 0.392952 0.563218 nan 28:07
42 0.441279 0.477039 nan 28:05
43 0.405745 0.475012 nan 28:12
44 0.427733 0.455954 nan 28:15
45 0.384656 0.544580 nan 28:16
46 0.458088 0.514241 nan 28:16
47 0.415536 0.470183 nan 28:20
48 0.373178 0.461036 nan 28:21
49 0.391088 0.470336 nan 28:18
/home/adeperio/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:373: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  k = np.sum(w_mat * confusion) / np.sum(w_mat * expected)
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.37010443210601807.
Saved model: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/exp_full_train_352_efficientnet-b5
In [10]:
# loading the best frozen score and unfreezing
Loaded best model /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/352/models/best_exp_full_train_352_efficientnet-b5
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.

(B5) Unfrozen 352 Training

In [11]:
exp.fit_unfrozen(20, 3e-4)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.342695 0.362980 nan 28:01
1 0.331227 0.369542 nan 28:17
2 0.331817 0.373943 nan 28:19
3 0.397074 0.383603 nan 28:20
4 0.352606 0.385025 nan 28:20
5 0.374123 0.454090 nan 28:18
6 0.392314 0.389502 nan 28:19
7 0.464454 0.427245 nan 28:19
8 0.380621 0.445283 nan 28:19
9 0.361473 0.396074 nan 28:23
10 0.334938 0.403379 nan 28:22
11 0.343663 0.409198 nan 28:22
12 0.336499 0.409659 nan 28:26
13 0.327567 0.425763 nan 28:23
14 0.291179 0.410862 nan 28:23
15 0.311857 0.383033 nan 28:26
16 0.262758 0.388558 nan 28:27
17 0.265251 0.388951 nan 28:27
18 0.271012 0.386437 nan 28:30
19 0.304055 0.389387 nan 28:30
/home/adeperio/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:373: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  k = np.sum(w_mat * confusion) / np.sum(w_mat * expected)
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.3629795014858246.
Saved model: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/unf_exp_full_train_352_efficientnet-b5


Inference is performed directly in a Kaggle kernel after uploading the trained models to a Kaggle private dataset.

Before we perform inference, the test set has not been pre-processed like the images in our training set.

So here we use a custom Fastai ItemList (CleanedImageList) and apply the same image pre-processing the images in our test set (circle crop, resize). If we don't do this our predictions will be significantly off.

In [ ]:
class CleanedImageList(ImageList):
    def __init__(self, *args, image_size=224, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.image_size = image_size
    def open(self, dirName):

        image = cv2.imread(dirName)
        image = circle_crop_v2(image)
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        image = cv2.resize(image, (int(self.image_size), int(self.image_size)))
        return Image(pil2tensor(image, np.float32).div_(255)) # fastai format

We then take the following models and ensemble them using simple averaging:

  • EfficientNet B3 on 224px images.
  • EfficientNet B3 progressive resized to 352px images.
  • EfficientNet B5 on 224px images.
  • EfficientNet B5 progressive resized to 352px images.


After inference, we get a result of 0.905775 on the private dataset (70% of the data)


Data Source

Our source of data is from the APTOS 2019 Blindness Detection competition on Kaggle.

We end up actually amalgamating two data sources: one from a previous 2015 competitiona and the 2019 dataset.

See the references section for the full suite of download routines used. It's been moved to the bottom of this notebook for document cleanliness.

In [ ]:
# Download the data
!pip install kaggle
!kaggle competitions download -c aptos2019-blindness-detection -p "{base_dir}"

Image Processing

The original images of the data set were pre-process and resaved with cropping and resizing. The code to do that is included below.

In [65]:
# ---------- Cleaning Images ----------
def crop_image_from_gray(img,tol=7):
    if img.ndim ==2:
        mask = img>tol
        return img[np.ix_(mask.any(1),mask.any(0))]
    elif img.ndim==3:
        gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        mask = gray_img>tol
        check_shape = img[:,:,0][np.ix_(mask.any(1),mask.any(0))].shape[0]
        if (check_shape == 0): # image is too dark so that we crop out everything,
            return img # return original image
            img = np.stack([img1,img2,img3],axis=-1)
        return img

def circle_crop_v2(img):
    Create circular crop around image centre
    img = crop_image_from_gray(img)

    height, width, depth = img.shape
    largest_side = np.max((height, width))
    img = cv2.resize(img, (largest_side, largest_side))

    height, width, depth = img.shape

    x = int(width / 2)
    y = int(height / 2)
    r = np.amin((x, y))

    circle_img = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
    cv2.circle(circle_img, (x, y), int(r), 1, thickness=-1)
    img = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=circle_img)
    img = crop_image_from_gray(img)

    return img

def toCLAHEgreen(img):  
    tileGridSize=(8, 8)  
    img = np.array(img)     
    green_channel = img[:, :, 1]    
    clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=clipLimit, tileGridSize=tileGridSize)
    cla = clahe.apply(green_channel) 
    return cla

def toCLAHE(img):      

    lab = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
    lab_planes = cv2.split(lab)
    clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0,tileGridSize=(8,8))
    lab_planes[0] = clahe.apply(lab_planes[0])
    lab = cv2.merge(lab_planes)
    img = cv2.cvtColor(lab, cv2.COLOR_LAB2BGR)
    return img

def resize_to(img, targ_sz:int, use_min:bool=False):
    h,w = img.shape[:2]
    min_sz = (min if use_min else max)(w,h)
    ratio = targ_sz/min_sz
    return int(w*ratio),int(h*ratio)

def crop_and_resize(path, size):
    image = cv2.imread(str(path))
    image = crop_image_from_gray(image)
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    target_size = resize_to(image, int(size), use_min=True)
    image = cv2.resize(image, target_size)
    return Image(pil2tensor(image, np.float32).div_(255)) # fastai format

def crop_and_resize_circle(path, size):
    image = cv2.imread(str(path))
    image = circle_crop_v2(image)
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    target_size = resize_to(image, int(size), use_min=True)
    image = cv2.resize(image, target_size)
    return Image(pil2tensor(image, np.float32).div_(255)) # fastai format

def resize_one(fn, i, train_img_path, path, size):
    dest = path/fn.relative_to(train_img_path)
    img = crop_and_resize(fn, size)
#     print(dest)

# now lets reload the data bunch with these image crops
class CleanedImageList(ImageList):
    def __init__(self, *args, image_size=128, mode=0, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.image_size = image_size
        self.mode = mode
    def open(self, dirName):

        image = cv2.imread(dirName)

        if self.mode == 0:
            image = circle_crop_v2(image)
            image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            image = toCLAHE(image)
            image = cv2.resize(image, (int(self.image_size), int(self.image_size)))
        elif self.mode == 1:
            image = circle_crop_v2(image)
            image = toCLAHEgreen(image)    
            image = cv2.resize(image, (int(self.image_size), int(self.image_size)))
        elif self.mode == 2:
            image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            image = circle_crop_v2(image)
            image = cv2.resize(image, (int(self.image_size), int(self.image_size)))
            sigmaX = 10
            image=cv2.addWeighted (image,4, cv2.GaussianBlur( image , (0,0), sigmaX) ,-4 ,128)
            image = crop_image_from_gray(image)
            image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            image = cv2.resize(image, (int(self.image_size), int(self.image_size)))
        return Image(pil2tensor(image, np.float32).div_(255)) # return fastai Image format

Preprocess Images: 224px

In [ ]:
size = 224

data_in_use, base_dir, train_img_path, test_img_path, df_train = switch2019And2015()
image_list = ImageList.from_folder(train_img_path)
path = Path(train_img_path + '224/')

print(f"resizing to {size} into {path}")
parallel(partial(resize_one, train_img_path=train_img_path, path=path, size=size), image_list.items)
In [ ]:
size = 224

data_in_use, base_dir, train_img_path, test_img_path, df_train = switch2019And2015()
image_list = ImageList.from_folder(train_img_path)
path = Path(train_img_path + '224_regular_crop/')

print(f"resizing to {size} into {path}")
parallel(partial(resize_one, train_img_path=train_img_path, path=path, size=size), image_list.items)

Preprocess Images: 352px

In [ ]:
size = 352

data_in_use, base_dir, train_img_path, test_img_path, df_train = switch2019And2015()
image_list = ImageList.from_folder(train_img_path)
path = Path(train_img_path + '352/')

print(f"resizing to {size} into {path}")
parallel(partial(resize_one, train_img_path=train_img_path, path=path, size=size), image_list.items)


A number of experiments were performed to determine the best hyper paramters for the network. Below are some of the key experiments that were performed, detailed to highlight experimental process and work flow.

First we encapsulated experiment hyper paramaters in an "Experiment" class.

Then for each experiment, we create a "baseline" function that intialises a set of hyper parameters that we want to remain constant, but takes as function paramaters then hyper parameters we are trying to test.

Then we run over a small number of epochs to get a rough indiciation of what best works.

(Exp-1) Batch Size vs Model Complexity


The following experiment tries to observe the performance of changing batch size vs model complexity.

Comparing for batch size

  • efficientnet-b2 and bs=64
  • efficientnet-b2 and bs=16

We can see that higher batch sizes have better accuracy

Comparing for model complexity

  • efficientnet-b2 and bs=16
  • efficientnet-b5 and bs=16

We can see that the more complex b5 also gets better accuracy, and even better than the b2 with bs=16.

So we use b5 as one of our ensemble models to train from.

But increasing model complexity also brings up the accuracy even with lower batch sizes.

In [8]:
# Our baseline hyperparameters
def get_baseline_exp1(name, arch, bs):
    return Experiment(
            data_source=switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/'), 

Then vary the architecture and batch size

In [19]:
# iteration 1
exp = get_baseline_exp1('exp1_bs64_224_efficientnet-b2', efficient_net('b2'), bs=64)
Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b2
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/
Using get_transforms
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [16]:
exp.fit_frozen(3, 1e-4)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.677559 0.702017 0.564117 03:24
1 0.587030 0.569272 0.654701 03:35
2 0.524190 0.500103 0.648396 03:36
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.7020165920257568.
Better model found at epoch 1 with valid_loss value: 0.5692717432975769.
Better model found at epoch 2 with valid_loss value: 0.500103235244751.
In [23]:
# iteration 2
exp = get_baseline_exp1('exp1_bs16_224_efficientnet-b2', efficient_net('b2'), bs=16)
Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b2
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/
Using get_transforms
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [24]:
exp.fit_frozen(3, 1e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.752668 0.737975 nan 09:15
1 0.692548 0.595446 0.515833 09:23
2 0.514083 0.541481 0.563979 09:22
/home/adeperio/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/classification.py:373: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  k = np.sum(w_mat * confusion) / np.sum(w_mat * expected)
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.7379746437072754.
Better model found at epoch 1 with valid_loss value: 0.5954458117485046.
Better model found at epoch 2 with valid_loss value: 0.541480541229248.
In [13]:
exp = get_baseline_exp1('exp1_bs16_224_efficientnet-b5', efficient_net('b5'), bs=16)
Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b5
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/
Using get_transforms
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [14]:
exp.fit_frozen(3, 5e-4)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.750439 0.696666 0.508375 12:51
1 0.582432 0.537899 0.561278 13:00
2 0.475572 0.491343 0.604045 13:01
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.69666588306427.
Better model found at epoch 1 with valid_loss value: 0.5378988981246948.
Better model found at epoch 2 with valid_loss value: 0.49134281277656555.

(Exp-2) Progressive Resize


We pretrained 224px on 2015 and 2019 data.

Then we used this to progressize resize to 352, and only on the 2019 data.

This resulted in a significant boost to our CV score.

In [9]:
# Our baseline hyperparameters
def get_baseline_exp2(name, arch, data_source, bs, sz, pretrained_model_name=None):
    return Experiment(

start with 224px

In [9]:
data_source = switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/')
exp = get_baseline_exp2('exp2_bs16_224_efficientnet-b5', data_source, efficient_net('b5'), bs=16, sz=224)
Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b5
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/
Using get_transforms
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [ ]:
exp.fit_frozen(3, 7e-4)

transfer learn up to 352, 2019 Only

In [10]:
exp = get_baseline_exp2('exp2_bs16_352_efficientnet-b5', 
                        switch2019Only(sub_folder = '352/'),
Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b5
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/352/
Using get_transforms
Loading pretrained model: exp2_bs16_224_efficientnet-b5
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
In [11]:
exp.fit_frozen(3, 5e-4)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.717716 1.350634 0.578072 02:31
1 0.489375 0.328841 0.840936 02:32
2 0.369162 0.304662 0.857985 02:32
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 1.3506337404251099.
Better model found at epoch 1 with valid_loss value: 0.32884085178375244.
Better model found at epoch 2 with valid_loss value: 0.3046622574329376.

(Exp-3) Oversample vs Non-Oversample


As we can clearly see, although there was an imbalance with the dataset, oversampling gave significantly poorer results.

We turn Oversampling off on our main training run.

In [10]:
# Our baseline hyperparameters
def get_baseline_exp3(name, oversample):
    return Experiment(
            data_source=switch2019And2015(sub_folder = '224/'), 


In [11]:
exp = get_baseline_exp3('exp3_bs64_224_efficientnet-b2', True)
Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b2
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/
Using get_transforms
is oversampling
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
Min numerical gradient: 1.51E-04
Min loss divided by 10: 2.00E-03
In [12]:
exp.fit_frozen(5, 1e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.969762 0.956943 0.442457 02:33
1 0.919834 1.236394 0.525234 02:37
2 0.762089 0.841168 0.463579 02:39
3 0.643005 0.626805 0.585560 02:37
4 0.575614 0.672715 0.555053 02:38
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.9569430351257324.
Better model found at epoch 2 with valid_loss value: 0.8411678671836853.
Better model found at epoch 3 with valid_loss value: 0.6268053650856018.
Saved model: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/exp3_bs64_224_efficientnet-b2


In [13]:
exp = get_baseline_exp3('exp3_bs64_224_efficientnet-b2', False)
Loaded pretrained weights for efficientnet-b2
Using data in: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/train/224/
Using get_transforms
LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
Min numerical gradient: 1.58E-07
Min loss divided by 10: 6.92E-04
In [14]:
exp.fit_frozen(5, 1e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss quadratic_kappa time
0 0.672804 0.625812 0.549030 03:35
1 0.623003 0.776893 0.600862 03:35
2 0.596965 0.554515 0.580464 03:36
3 0.523275 0.556523 0.601181 03:35
4 0.477067 0.476698 0.667192 03:35
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 0.6258118152618408.
Better model found at epoch 2 with valid_loss value: 0.5545154213905334.
Better model found at epoch 4 with valid_loss value: 0.47669753432273865.
Saved model: /hdd/data/blindness-detection/2015_and_2019/exp3_bs64_224_efficientnet-b2